A common issue that I often come across with my callers when having fantasy phone sex, is caller indecisiveness. In order to get the most out of your phone sex session, you as the customer have a few small duties to make your phone sex experience that much more special. (Yes, I know you’re the paying customer, but you still have to help.)

First and foremost, tell the operator what you want and how you like it. It sounds easy enough, and for some people it is. The truth is if you have a fantasy? And you’re too shy to tell me about it, and then it’s highly unlikely that you’re ever going to have your fantasy fulfilled. We aren’t mind readers no one will ever be able to guess that for you. Try writing your fantasy or wishes down and read it to your phone sex operator. She probably won’t find it as strange or as weird as you think.

Once the call starts, try and be an active participant in the conversation. You may not always feel like talking all the time, and that’s fine. If you just feel like listening? That’s fine, but it really helps if you let your phone sex operator that the call is working well for you. A simple moan or “mmmm”, “oh yeah” every now and then really lets the operator know that she is on the right track. Sometimes when on a call guys can be so quiet it’s hard to tell whether they happily wanking or if they have nodded off to sleep.

Remember good Phone Sex is like a good game of tennis. It’s a constant back-and-forth and give-and-take. By asking questions and providing answers, phone sex can make you an all-around better lover.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Love Sophie xxxooo

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